Faktor-Faktor Yang Berhubungan Dengan Perilaku Bullying Pada Remaja di SMP Negeri 5 Samarinda

arief Arief Budimn budiman


BACKGROUND Bullying is an incident that is widely reported in the print and electronic media today that attracts the attention of today's education by students to other students at school (Wiyani, 2012) not only in Indonesia but throughout the world (Simbolon, 2012). Bullying is an act of violence that is intentionally carried out physically or verbally by individuals or groups repeatedly (Olweus, 2005 in Geldard, 2012).

OBJECTIVE This study aims to determine the correlation between factor`s of  bullying behavior on juvenile in state junior high school 5 Samarinda

METHODS The design of this research was descriptive correlational. Research samples were 181 respondents. Data were collected by using questionnaire. Test on bivariate analysis was Rank Spearman correlation test.

RESULTS Obtained the value of the family variable Sig. (2 talled) 0.002 and the correlation coefficient of -0.230 shows the strength of the weak correlation and is negative, then the self-confidence variable value is Sig. (2 talled) 0.000 and the correlation coefficient value is -0.360 shows the strength of the correlation. weak and negative and for the peer variable value Sig. (2 talled) 0,000 and the correlation coefficient is 0.509 indicating the strength of the correlation is moderate and positive.

CONCLUSION Of the three variables, namely family, self-confidence and peers, the one with the highest correlation is the peer factor with a correlation strength of 0.509 (medium) followed by self-confidence -0.360 (weak) then the family factor -0.230 (weak).



Kata Kunci: Keluarga, Kepercayaan Diri, Teman Sebaya, Perilaku Bullying, Remaja


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33859/dksm.v13i1.768


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