Pengaruh Family Health Seek Behavior Terhadap Outcome Pasien Stroke Dengan Menggunakan National Institute Of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) di Ruang IGD

Eirene Eunike Meidiana Gaghauna, Bagus Rahmat Santoso, Muhammad Alfian



Masalah Stroke merupakan masalah kesehatan yang utama bagi masyarakat modern saat ini. Dewasa ini, stroke semakin menjadi masalah serius yang dihadapi hampir diseluruh dunia. Hal tersebut dikarenakan serangan stroke yang mendadak dapat mengakibatkan kematian, kecacatan fisik dan mental baik pada usia produktif maupun usia lanjut (Junaidi, 2011). Menurut WHO (World Health Organization) tahun 2012, kematian akibat stroke sebesar 51%. Prevalensi stroke di Kalimantan Selatan merupakan yang tertinggi di antara provinsi lain di pulau Kalimantan yaitu sebesar 9,2 permil, sedangkan provinsi Kalimantan Barat 5,8 per mil, Kalimantan Tengah 6,2 permil, Kalimantan Timur 7,7 permil.

Tujuan: penelitian ini untuk mengidentifikasi pengaruh Family Health Seek Behavior terhadap outcome pasien stroke.

Metode: Metode penelitian ini adalah observasional analitik yang dilakukan analisis data statistik menggunakan Chisquare. lembar observasi dari responden tentang Family Health Seek Behavior dan Outcome pasien stroke dengan nilai NIHSS.

Hasil: Adanya pengaruh positif antara perilaku family health seek behavior terhadap outcome pasien stroke dengan menggunakan nilai NIHSS di IGD RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin dimana semakin lama jeda waktu rujukan pasien akan semakin memperburuk kondisi fisik pasien stroke.

Kesimpulan: Perlu adanya pengenalan terhadap keluarga mengenai tanda gejala stroke serta pemahaman tindakan pertama yang harus segera dilakukan.


Kata Kunci: Family Health Seek Behavior, NIHSS


Introduction: Stroke problem is a major health problem for modern society today. Today, stroke is increasingly becoming a serious problem faced almost all over the world. This is because a sudden stroke can result in death, physical and mental disability both at productive age and elderly (Junaidi, 2011). According to the WHO (World Health Organization) in 2012, deaths from stroke were 51%. The prevalence of stroke in South Kalimantan was the highest among other provinces on the island of Kalimantan, which was 9.2 per mile, while West Kalimantan was 5.8 per mile, Central Kalimantan 6.2 per mile, East Kalimantan 7.7 per mile.

Purpose: To identify family health care seeking behavior and stroke patient outcomes using NIHSS. Methods: Analytic observational which is carried out by statistical data analysis using Chi-square

Results: There was a positive influence between family health seek behavior on the outcome of stroke patients by using the NIHSS value in the ER at RSUD Ulin Banjarmasin where the longer the patient referral time lag would worsen the physical condition of the stroke patient.

Conclusion: Health care provider needs to give heath education to the family regarding the signs and symptoms of stroke. Also family must to understand about first actions should be taken immediately on this situation


Keywords: Family Health Seek Behavior, NIHSS


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