Astaria Br Ginting, Juliana Munthe, Lidya Natalia Br Sinuhaji, Anisatulaila Anisatulaila, Elisabet Yovanika Pasaribu



LATAR BELAKANG :Secara global, ada sekitar 101 juta anak di bawah usia 5 tahun yang memiliki berat badan di bawah ideal dan 165 juta anak mengalami stunting. Berdasarkan Riset Kesehatan Dasar (Riskesdas), terdapat 37,2% balita di Indonesia mengalami stunting dan pada tahun 2018 sekitar 37% (90 juta) balita di Indonesia mengalami stunting. Stunting menggambarkan kejadian gizi buruk pada balita yang berlangsung lama dan dampaknya tidak hanya secara fisik tetapi juga pada fungsi kognitif.

TUJUAN: Penelitian ini menganalisis pengaruh penerapan self-efficacy dan penggunaan biskuit labu kuning terhadap pencegahan stunting.

METODE : Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kohort dengan analisis regresi dan uji chi-square. Subjek penelitian ini adalah 40 ibu hamil dan bayi di atas 6 bulan yang akan diintervensi dengan pemberian 4 buah biskuit labu kuning per hari dengan model bantuan (Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients).

HASIL:  Penelitian dengan Pengujian Simultan (Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients) Penerapan Self-efficacy dan Pemanfaatan Labu untuk Cegah Stunting di Siosar (Relokasi Pengungsi Gunung Sinabung) Kab. Karo menunjukkan bahwa pada taraf signifikansi (α = 0,002) <0,05 artinya variabel bebas yang terdiri dari penerapan self-efficacy dan penggunaan labu kuning secara simultan berpengaruh terhadap variabel terikat yaitu pencegahan stunting pada balita.

SIMPULAN: Ada pengaruh penerapan efikasi diri dan penggunaan labu kuning terhadap pencegahan stunting pada balita.

Kata Kunci: Self Efficacy; Stunting; Biskuit Labu Kuning.


BACKGROUND Globally, there are about 101 million children under the age of 5 who are under ideal weight and 165 million children are stunted. Based on Basic Health Research (Riskesdas), there are 37.2% of children under five in Indonesia experiencing stunting and in 2018 around 37% (90 million) children were stunted in Indonesia. Stunting describes the incidence of malnutrition in children under five that lasts for a long time and the impact is not only physically but also on cognitive function.OBJECTIVE This study is to analyze the effect of the application of self-efficacy and the use of pumpkin biscuits on the prevention of stunting.METHODS This research is a cohort study with regression analysis and chi-square test. The subjects of this study were 40 pregnant women and babies over 6 months who would be intervened by giving 4 pieces of pumpkin biscuits per day with the assistance model (Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients).RESULTS Research with Simultaneous Testing (Omnibus Tests of Model Coefficients) Application of Self-efficacy and utilization of pumpkins to prevent stunting in Siosar (Mount Sinabung Refugee Relocation) Kab. Karo shows that at a significance level (α = 0.002) <0.05, it means that the independent variable consisting of the implementation of self-efficacy and the use of pumpkin simultaneously affects the dependent variable, namely the prevention of stunting in children under five.CONCLUSION There is an effect of the application of self-efficacy and the use of pumpkin on the prevention of stunting in toddlers.Key Words: Self Efficacy; Stunting; Biskuit Labu Kuning.


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Copyright (c) 2020 Astaria Br Ginting,Juliana Munthe,Lidya Natalia Br Sinuhaji,Anisatulaila,Elisabet Yovanika Pasaribu

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