Persiapan Energi Kontraksi Miometrium Kala I Persalinan Melalui Aktivitas Protein Kinase C

Farida Ariyani, Joserizal Serudji, Rauza Sukma Rita


Pendahuluan: Kontraksi dan relaksasi miometrium merupakan dua kegiatan yang membutuhkan dan menghasilkan energi. Pengaturan proses kontraksi dan relaksasi miometrium dipengaruhi oleh aktivitas Protein Kinase C (PKC).

Tujuan: Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menggambarkan peningkatan dan penurunan aktifitas PKC tersebut untuk persiapan energi dan kontraksi uterus.

Metode: Desain penelitian adalah deskriptive analityc terhadap 25 ibu bersalin normal. Sampel diambil dengan teknik consecutive sampling. Darah intravena sampel, disentrifuge, dan diukur dengan metode ELISA. Uji normalitas data dengan Shapiro Wilk, uji t-berpasangan untuk beda rerata.

Hasil: Hasil penelitian didpatkan rerata aktifitas Protein Kinase C pada fase laten adalah mean ±sd (4452,04±728,69), sedangkan pada fase aktif adalah mean ±SD (4558,50±903,63). Uji t-test berpasangan didapatkan (p>0,05), maka tidak terdapat perbedaan bermakna aktivitas Protein Kinase C pada fase laten dan fase aktif.

Simpulan: Aktifitas protein kinase C merupakan pendukung mekanisme kontraksi dan relaksasi serta persiapan energi kontraksi selanjutnya.

Kata kunci: Fase Aktif, Fase Laten, PKC


Background: Uterine contractions in the first stage of labor, the latent phase and the active phase have different strengths and frequencies. Regulation of myometrial contraction and relaxation is influenced by the activity of Kinase C Protein (PKC).

Objective: The purpose of this study was to determine the differences of PKC activity in the first stage of labor of latent phase and active phase.

Methods: The study design was comparative to 25 normal delivery. Samples were taken by consecutive sampling technique. Intravenous blood sample, centrifuge, and measured by ELISA method. Test data normality with Shapiro Wilk, paired t-test for average difference.

Results: The result showed that the activity of Protein Kinase C in latent phase was mean ± SD (4452,04 ± 728,69), while in active phase was mean ± sd (4558,50 ± 903,63). Paired t-test test obtained (p> 0,05), hence there is no significant difference of Kinase C Protein activity in latent phase and active phase.

Conclusion: The activity of protein kinase c is a supportive mechanism of contraction and relaxation as well as preparation of further contraction energy.

Keywords: Active Phase, Laten Phase, PKC

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