Studi Literatur : Pengkajian Spiritual di Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Ahmad Muzaki, Fitri Arofiati


Latar Belakang: Spiritual menjadi hal yang sangat penting pada pasien kritis di Ruang ICU karena satu-satunya sumber penyembuhan bagi pasien dengan penyakit kiritis adalah spiritualitas mereka. Salah satu tantangan besar perawat saat ini adalah mengintegrasikan konsep dari teknologi body, mind and spirit ke dalam praktek keperawatan. Pemenuhan kebutuhan spiritual pada pasien tidak hanya bermanfaat bagi pasien saja tetapi dapat berdampak terhadap profesionalisme kerja perawat.

Tujuan: Literatur review ini bertujuan untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai pendekatan penilaian spiritual dan alat pengkajian spiritual di Ruang ICU.

Metode: Studi ini diperoleh dari 2 database yaitu Google Shcolar dan PubMed dengan menggunakan kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi. Kata kunci yang digunakan dalam pencarian literatur ini antara lain: “spiritual assesment and ICUâ€, “spiritual care + intensive care unitâ€, “spiritual care and critical illnessâ€, dan “spiritual assesment tools and ICUâ€.

Hasil: Terdapat 5 variabel dalam pengkajian spiritual antara lain : sistem medis dalam perawatan spiritual, komunitas keagamaan yang mendukung spiritualitas hubungan pasien dan dokter, perawatan di akhir kehidupan dan kualitas hidup pada pasien yang mendekati kematian.

Kesimpulan: Belum ada Spiritual Assesment Tools yang signifikan untuk mengkaji tingkat spiritual pasien di ICU/ICCU.


Kata Kunci: Pengkajian, Spiritual, Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

Abstract Background: Spirituality is very important in critical patients in the ICU because the only source of healing for patients with critical illness is their spirituality. One of the big challenges of nurses today is integrating the concepts of body, mind and spirit technology into nursing practice. Meeting the spiritual needs of patients is not only beneficial for patients but can affect the professionalism of nurses' work.Purpose: This review literature aims to explore various approaches to spiritual assessment and spiritual assessment tools in the ICU Room.Method: This study was obtained from 2 databases namely Google Sholar and PubMed using inclusion and exclusion criteria. Keywords used in this literature search include: "spiritual assessment and ICU", "spiritual care + intensive care unit", "spiritual care and critical illness", and "spiritual assessment tools and ICU".Results: There were 5 variables in spiritual assessment including: medical systems in spiritual care, religious communities that support the spirituality of patient and doctor relationships, care at the end of life and quality of life in patients who are near death.Conclusion: There is no significant Spiritual Assessment Tool to assess the spiritual level of patients in ICU / ICCU. Keywords: Assessment, Spiritual, Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

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