Efektifitas Mengikuti Kelas Prenatal Yoga Terhadap Kesehatan Mental Ibu Hamil Di PMB Bidan Delima Wilayah Banjarmasin Timur
LATAR BELAKANG Prenatal yoga untuk menyiapkan ibu hamil secara fisik, psikis dan spiritual dalam menghadapi proses persalinan. Gerakan yoga pada setiap trimester berbeda sehingga yoga dapat dilakukan sedini mungkin.
TUJUAN Tujuan penelitian adalah mengetahui tentang efektivitas mengikuti kelas prenatal yoga terhadap kesehatan mental ibu hamil
METODE Penelitian ini menggunakan metode campuran (mixed method) dengan strategi explanatory sequantial, posttest-only control design untuk mengetahui pengaruh keikutsertaan kelas prenatal yoga dan wawancara semiterstruktur untuk mengeksplorasi kondisi kesehatan mental ibu hamil dan mekanisme coping. Tempat penelitian ini di PMB Bidan Delima Wilayah Banjarmasin Timur. Populasi dan sampel penelitian ini ibu hamil di wilayah kerja PMB Bidan Delima Wilayah Banjarmasin Timur.
HASIL Berdasarkan hasil analisis kuantitatif terdapat perbedaan kondisi kesehatan mental yang signifikan antara kelompok kontrol dan kelompok perlakuan (p<0,05). Kualitatif pada komponen autonomic (otonom) ibu hamil mengalami penurunan gangguan fisik, komponen behavior (perilaku) ibu hamil mengalami penurunan rasa malas, berkurangnya keluhan, dan peningkatan suasana hati, komponen cognitive (kognisi) ibu hamil mengalami gangguan tidur, penurunan perasaan cemas dan susah berkonsentrasi Mekanisme coping yang dilakukan ibu hamil adalah dengan memperoleh dukungan dari suami, keluarga dan lingkungan sosial.
SIMPULAN Kelas prenatal yoga sangat efektif terhadap kesehatan mental pada ibu hamil. Perlu adanya penanganan awal masalah kesehatan mental ibu sehingga dampak negatif dapat dikurangi.
Background: Prenatal yoga is to prepare pregnant women physically, psychologically and spiritually to face the labor process. Yoga movements in each trimester are different so that yoga can be done as early as possible.
Objective: The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of attending prenatal yoga classes on the mental health of pregnant women
Methods: This study used a mixed method with a quantitative explanatory strategy, posttest-only control design to determine the effect of participating in prenatal yoga classes and semi-structured interviews to explore the mental health condition of pregnant women and coping mechanisms. The place of this research is PMB Bidan Delima, East Banjarmasin Region. The population and sample of this study were pregnant women in the working area of PMB Bidan Delima, East Banjarmasin.
Results: Based on the results of quantitative analysis, there were significant differences in mental health conditions between the control group and the treatment group (p<0.05). Qualitatively, the autonomic component (autonomous) of pregnant women experienced a decrease in physical disorders, the behavioral component (behavior) of pregnant women experienced a decrease in laziness, reduced complaints, and increased mood, the cognitive component (cognition) of pregnant women experienced sleep disturbances, decreased feelings of anxiety and difficulty concentrate Coping mechanism used by pregnant women is to get support from husband, family and social environment.
Conclusion: This research is that participating in prenatal yoga classes is beneficial with many positive changes that are felt after routinely doing prenatal yoga both physically and mentally for pregnant women.
Keywords: Effectiveness, Mental Health, Pregnant Women, Prenatal Yoga
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33859/dksm.v13i2.859
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