Efektifitas Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES)Terhadap Disaster Management, Self Care dan Quality of Life Masyarakat Zona Merah Pandemi Covid-19 Di Banjarmasin
Latar Belakang: Salah satu bencana pandemi yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi berita terhangat dunia adalah Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). WHO menyebutkan sebanyak 153.252 ribu orang meninggal akibat COVID 19 dengan kasus terinfeksi sebanyak 2.231.990 orang? Indonesia pada 6 Mei 2020 pasien positif sebanyak 12.438. Perkembangan COVID 19 di Kalimantan Selatan pasien positif sebanyak 229. Penyebaran Zona merah COVID 19 di Kota Banjarmasin pada 6 Mei 2020 pasien positif sebanyak 76. Bencana pandemic ini secara signifikan menurunkan kemampuan self care dan Quality of life masyarakat yang berkaitan dengan fungsi fisik dan vitalitas serta ketidamaksimalan manajemen disaster dengan menggunakan kapasitas sendiri. Cyber Counseling merupakan salah satu alternative metode layanan konseling yang dianggap tepat digunakan pada masa pandemi.
Tujuan: Menganalisis Efektifitas Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) terhadap Disaster Management, Self Care dan Quality Of Life Masyarakat Zona Merah Pandemic Covid-19 Di Banjarmasin.
Metode: pre-experimental dengan rancangan pre-test post-test one grup design.
Hasil: Berdasarkan uji paired t-test didapatkan nilai variebel Disaster Management pretest rerata 64,03 dan posttest 68,77 dengan p=0,012. Nilai variebel Self Care pretest rerata 39,37 dan posttest 43,77 dengan p=0,015. Nilai variebel Quality of Life pretest rerata 39,37 dan posttest 43,77 dengan p=0,015 <0,05 yang artinya Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) efektif terhadap terhadap semua variabel. Berdasarkan output dari uji statistik didapatkan tingkat keefektifan dari semua variable karena ada peningkatan setelah perlakuan adalah Self Care (21 orang), Disaster Management (19 orang) dan Quality of Life (18 orang).
Simpulan: Terdapat perubahan Disaster Management, Self Care dan Quality of Life Masyarakat Zona Merah Pandemi Covid-19 Di Banjarmasin setelah diberikan layanan konseling menggunakan metode Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES).
Kata Kunci: Zona Merah Covid 19, CEES, Disaster Management, Self Care dan Quality Of Life
The Effectiveness of Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) on Disaster Management, Self Care and Quality of Life of Red Zone Communities of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banjarmasin
Background: One of the pandemic disasters that has recently become the world's hottest news is the Novel Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19). WHO said that as many as 153,252 thousand people died from COVID 19 with 2,231,990 infected cases? Indonesia on May 6 2020 positive patients as many as 12,438. The development of COVID 19 in South Kalimantan has 229 positive patients. The spread of the COVID 19 red zone in Banjarmasin City on May 6 2020 positive patients totaled 76. This pandemic disaster has significantly reduced the ability to self care and the quality of life of the community related to physical function and vitality and inadequate disaster management using one's own capacity. Cyber Counseling is an alternative counseling service method that is considered appropriate during a pandemic.
Objective: To analyze the effectiveness of Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) on Disaster Management, Self Care and Quality of Life of the Red Zone of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banjarmasin.
Methods: pre-experimental with a pre-test post-test one group design.
Results: Based on the paired t-test, the average value of the Disaster Management variable was 64.03 pretest and 68.77 posttest with p=0.012. The average value of the Self Care variable pretest was 39.37 and posttest was 43.77 with p=0.015. The average value of the Quality of Life variable pretest was 39.37 and posttest was 43.77 with p=0.015 <0.05, which means that Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) is effective against all variables. Based on the output of the statistical test, the level of effectiveness of all variables was obtained because there was an increase after treatment, namely Self Care (21 people), Disaster Management (19 people) and Quality of Life (18 people).
Conclusion: There have been changes in Disaster Management, Self Care and Quality of Life in the Red Zone of the Covid-19 Pandemic in Banjarmasin after being provided with counseling services using the Cyber-Counseling Education Services (CCES) method.
Keywords: Covid 19 Red Zone, CEES, Disaster Management, Self Care and Quality Of Life
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33859/dksm.v12i2.742
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