Bullying in Higher Education: Presdiposisi Bully-victim terhadap Kejadian Perilaku Bullying pada Mahasiswa

Onieqie Ayu Dhea Manto, Paul Joae Brett Nito, Dewi Wulandari


Latar Belakang: Global Education Digest 2011 UNESCO, Mengejar ketertinggalan Dan intimidasi di sekolah Terjadi di Seluruh Dunia, diperkirakan 246 juta Anak Dan remaja mengalami Mengejar ketertinggalan Dan intimidasi di sekolah. Indonesia, tahun 2016 sekitar 253 kasus bullying , terdiri dari 122 anak yang menjadi korban dan 131 anak menjadi pelaku. Tahun 2017, Jangka Waktu 129 Dan Pelaporan intimidasi Korban nomor 116. Tahun 2018 Korban intimidasi nomor 107 Dan Pelaporan Jangka Waktu 127. Bullyingdapat berdampak negatif terhadap korban maupun pelaku, yaitu mengalami masalah kejiwaan, sosial, penurunan kinerja akademik, peluang melakukan bullying pada orang lain, bahkan sampai bunuh diri. Salah satu penyebab masih terjadinya bullying adalah riwayat pelaku sebagai korban bullying, atau yang dikenal dengan korban-bully . Lingkaran bullying ini dapat terjadi terus menerus dan menjadi perilaku ancaman kejadian bullying kedepan.

Tujuan: Penelitian ini untuk mengetahui hubungan riwayat korban bullying terhadap kejadian perilaku bullying pada mahasiswa Universitas Sari Mulia.

Metode: penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitaif deskriptif dengan pengambilan data melalui survei angket menggunakan uji chi square .

Hasil: Hasil uji statistik didapatkan nilai p value sebesar 0,039 (< 0,05) maka dapat dikatakan bahwa ada hubungan yang signifikan antara riwayat korban bullying dengan perilaku bullying (pelaku).

Simpulan: pengalaman Bullying yang masih terjadi di kalangan anak perlu lebih ditingkatkan dalam memberikan dukungan terhadap korban dan pelaku agar tidak terjadi gangguan kesehatan baik fisik maupun psikologis bahkan menyebabkan pengaruh hubungan sosial dengan teman sebaya.

Kata Kunci : Bullying , korban, pelaku, perilaku, riwayat

Bullying in Higher Education: Bullying-victim Predisposition to Bullying Behavior in Students

Background: UNESCO Global Education Digest 2011, violence and bullying in schools occurs worldwide, an estimated 246 million children and adolescents experience violence and bullying in schools. In Indonesia, in 2016 there were around 253 cases of bullying, consisting of 122 children who were victims and 131 children became perpetrators. In 2017, there were 129 victims of bullying and 116 reporting of perpetrators. In 2018 there were 107 victims of bullying and 127 reporting of perpetrators. Bullying can have a negative impact on both victims and perpetrators, namely experiencing psychological, social problems, decreased academic performance, opportunities for bullying others. others, even to the point of committing suicide. One of the causes of bullying still happening is the history of the perpetrator as a victim of bullying, or what is known as bully-victim. This circle of bullying behavior can occur continuously and become a threat to bullying in the future.

Purpose: This study was to determine the relationship between the history of bullying victims and the incidence of bullying behavior in nursing students at Sari Mulia University.

Methods: this study uses a descriptive quantitative method with data collection through a questionnaire survey using the chi square test.

Results: The results of statistical tests obtained p value of 0.039 (< 0.05), it can be concluded that there is a significant relationship between the history of bullying victims and bullying behavior (perpetrators).

Conclusion: the experience of bullying that still occurs among children needs to be further improved in providing support to victims and perpetrators so that there are no health problems, both physical and psychological, even causing the influence of social relations with peers.

Keywords: Bullying - victim, behavior, history, perpetrator,


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33859/dksm.v12i2.738


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