Efektifitas Metode Simulasi : Role Play Terhadap Peningkatan Pengetahuan Masyarakat Tentang Basic Life Support (BLS) Di Kelurahan Setono Kabupaten Ponorogo
Latar Belakang: Kualitas CPR sering diabaikan, faktor yang mempengaruhi adalah individu, pelatihan, kesadaran, teknik dan kelelahan penyelamat. Penolong pertama seringkali orang awam yang tidak memiliki kemampuan menolong yang memadai sehingga dapat dipahami jika penderita dapat meninggal ditempat kejadian atau selamat sampai ke fasilitas kesehatan dengan kecacatan.
Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui efektifitas metode simulasi : role play terhadap peningkatan pengetahuan masyarakat tentang Basic Life Support (BLS).
Metode: Jenis penelitian pre eksperimental, kuota sampling dengan sample 80 respoden. Instrumen berupa kuisioner, tehnik pengambilan data pre dan post test. Uji statistic bivariat dengan Mc Nemar.
Hasil: Hasil penelitian menunjukkan tingkat pengetahuan pada pretest di dapatkan 53 (66,2%) berpengetahuan buruk sedangkan tingkat pengetahuan posttest didapatkan 72 (90%) berpengetahuan baik. Analisis data dengan uji statistic McNemar menunjukkan nilai significansi = 0,00. Karena nilai p<0,05 maka pengetahuan antara sebelum dan sesudah simulasi : role play berbeda secara bermakna.Â
Simpulan: Adanya perbedaan yang bermakna antara pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah simulasi : role play maka diharapkan pada pemberian informasi tidak hanya sekedar teori namun ada pratik berkesinambungan seperti pelatihan, untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan baik pada masyarakat awam guna membantu dalam pertolongan pertama.
Kata Kunci: Basic Life Support, Metode Simulasi : Role Play, Pengetahuan, Masyarakat
Background: CPR quality is often neglected, influencing factors are individual, training, awareness, technique and rescue fatigue. The first helper is often a layman who does not have the ability to help adequately so that it can be understood if the patient can die at the scene or survive to a health facility with a disability.
Objective: This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the simulation method: role play to increase public knowledge about Basic Life Support (BLS).
Method: Pre-experimental research type, quota sampling with a sample of 80 respondents. The instruments were in the form of questionnaires, pre and post test data collection techniques. Bivariate statistical test with Mc Nemar.
Results: The results showed that the level of knowledge in the pretest was 53 (66.2%) had poor knowledge while the level of posttest knowledge was 72 (90%) was well-informed. Data analysis using McNemar statistical test showed significance value = 0.00. Because the value of p <0.05, the knowledge between before and after simulation: role play is significantly different.
Conclusion: There is a meaningful difference between knowledge before and after simulation: role play, it is expected that the provision of information is not just a theory but there is a continuous practice such as training, to increase good knowledge in ordinary people to help in first aid.
Keywords: Basic Life Support, Simulation Methods: Role Play, Knowledge, Society
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33859/dksm.v10i2.500
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